Sunday, 17 April 2016

Most Commonly asked Queries related to ROC Website

Common resolutions For MCA21 related queries including Annual filings, Linked filings, Cancel SRN service, Resubmission, and Additional Fee waiver
1. Which eforms can I file as attachments with GNL-2?
Annual filing eforms under the Companies Act, 1956 viz. 23AC/ACA, 23AC/ACA-XBRL, 20-B, 21-A, Form 66, I-XBRL, A-XBRL, 23B, 23C and 23D would be made available shortly for filing purposes. Users are requested not to file these forms as attachments with GNL-2 eforms.
2. How can I file CRA-4 and Refund eforms as they are not available on
The CRA-4 (Companies Act, 2013) and Refund eforms would also be made available shortly for
filing purposes. Stakeholders may kindly take note and plan accordingly.
3. My account is debited on making online payment; however, corresponding challan/receipt is not generated and system does not allow filing of the form again. What should I do next? OR
The payment was made but the SRN status is ‘Pending for Payment’ or ‘Not Paid’. What should I do next?
You need to cancel your SRN. On cancellation, the payment would be reversed by the bank. The filing can be re-initiated immediately.
MCA has issued a circular wherein it has been decided to relax additional fees payable on e-forms which are due for filings by companies between 25th March to 30th April ‘16. However, no such waiver of additional shall be applicable if such due forms are filed after 10th May 2016.
To cancel an SRN, do the following:
1. Login to the MCA21 application.
2. Click the MCA Services tab. The list of MCA Services is displayed.
3. Click the SRN / Transaction Status menu. The Track SRN Status page is displayed.
4. In the SRN field, enter the SRN to be cancelled and click Submit. The SRN details are displayed.
5. Click the Cancel SRN link available for the SRN. The Track SRN page will be displayed with SRN filled in the SRN field.
4. I am unable to upload the eform again after cancelling the SRN. How can I upload the eform after cancellation of SRN?
The same eform cannot be uploaded ‘As-Is’. You need to modify the eform, complete the Pre-scrutiny and then try to upload the form again. Please ensure that the latest version of the eform is downloaded from MCA21 portal.
5. The payment challan was generated but the total of fees shown is incorrect. How can I get the challan / receipt with correct amount?
The issue has been fixed and stakeholders are requested to download the corrected challan / receipt from “Track Payment Status / Track SRN Status” service on the MCA21 portal.
6. How can I upload linked eforms?
Incorporation forms in the new MCA21 portal need to be linked filed. You are required to select multiple eforms while uploading the form. Steps for linked filing of incorporation forms (INC-7, DIR-12, INC-22, URC-1) are as following:
1. Login to the MCA21 application.
2. Click the MCA Services tab. The list of MCA Services is displayed.
3. Under e-filing, click the Upload eForms menu. The Upload eForms page is displayed.
4. Click the eForm Upload button/link. The eForm Filing page is displayed
5. Click on normal filing or resubmission SRN as the case may be.
6. Check the Linked Forms option
7. Click the Browse button to navigate and select the eform to be uploaded. To upload linked eforms, click the Add more linked eForms button. Click the Browse button that appears in the second row, to navigate and select the linked eform to be uploaded. Follow similar process to upload more linked eforms. You can select upto 10 linked eforms.
8. Click the Upload button. In case you selected multiple linked eforms, all eforms will be uploaded in one go.
9. The pre scrutiny checks happens and after successful upload the SRN of the uploaded eForm will be displayed to the user.
10. The user will have an option to either make a payment soon after form upload or later 11. Click thee Pay Fee button. The fee details screen will be displayed.
12. The Payment Options page is displayed.
13. Select the desired payment option making payment of Fee. Make the payment. SRN is generated and displayed.
14. After you make the payment, a transaction receipt/acknowledgment is generated.
7. I could not resubmit my company eforms as the eform was not available in the portal/ I faced technical issues with the MCA21 portal. What are the timelines for resubmission of Company eforms?
The provision to extend resubmission due date has been made. The stakeholders will be allowed to resubmit the eform until 10th May 2016, in case the resubmission due date was between 25th March and 30th April 2016.
8. The name approval letters has expired for my proposed company. However, the Company formation process is not yet completed. Do I get another name approved?
If the company name was approved and the name expired between periods 25th March to 30th April 2016, the Name reservation date is extended for you till 10th May 2016.

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