As we all know that with effect from 01.10.2014 rate of interest on delayed payment of service Tax has been revised based on delay and Turnover in Payment of service tax vide Notification No. 12/2014 dated 11.07.2014. To make the calculation of Interest on delayed payment of Service Tax Easy we have created a Calculator in Excel by which Readers can calculate Interest on delayed Service Tax
Payment. All our readers have to do after downloading the sheet is to fill Turnover of last financial year, Service tax payable amount, swachh bharat cess payable , due date and payment date, interest will come automatically.Download Automatic Service Tax Late payment interest calculator
It may be noted that:
1) 3 percent interest rate concession allowed u/s 75 shall continue to be allowed to Assessee whose value of taxable services provided during the last preceding financial year does not exceed sixty lakh rupees.
2) This rate structure will not be applicable to VCES cases as interest @ 18% p.a. is payable under the scheme which ends on 31 December, 2014
3) The rate of interest is simple interest per annum
4) New interest rate will be operational only on or after 1 October, 2014. Upto 1.10.2014, rate of interest @ 18% p.a. will continue to apply.
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