Saturday, 23 April 2016

List of Useful Codes of Income Tax

Activity Code for Part A – Nature of Business
0101Manufacturing Industry [Agro-based industries]
0102Manufacturing Industry [Automobile and Auto parts]
0103Manufacturing Industry [Cement]
0104Manufacturing Industry [Diamond cutting]
0105Manufacturing Industry [Drugs and Pharmaceuticals]
0106Manufacturing Industry [Electronics including Computer Hardware]
0107Manufacturing Industry [Engineering goods]
0108Manufacturing Industry [Fertilizers, Chemicals, Paints]
0109Manufacturing Industry [Flour & Rice Mills]
0110Manufacturing Industry [Food Processing Units]
0111Manufacturing Industry [Marble & Granite]
0112Manufacturing Industry [Paper]
0113Manufacturing Industry [Petroleum and Petrochemicals]
0114Manufacturing Industry [Power and energy]
0115Manufacturing Industry [Printing & Publishing]
0116Manufacturing Industry [Rubber]
0117Manufacturing Industry [Steel]
0118Manufacturing Industry [Sugar]
0119Manufacturing Industry [Tea, Coffee]
0120Manufacturing Industry [Textiles, Handloom, Powerlooms]
0121Manufacturing Industry [Tobacco]
0122Manufacturing Industry [Tyre]
0123Manufacturing Industry [Vanaspati & Edible Oils]
0124Manufacturing Industry [Others]
0201Trading [Chain stores]
0202Trading [Retailers]
0203Trading [Wholesalers]
0204Trading [Others]
0301Commission Agents [General Commission Agents]
0401Builders [Builders]
0402Builders [Estate agents]
0403Builders [Property Developers]
0404Builders [Others]
0501Contractors [Civil Contractors]
0502Contractors [Excise Contractors]
0503Contractors [Forest Contractors]
0504Contractors [Mining Contractors]
0505Contractors [Others]
0601Professionals [Chartered Accountants, Auditors, etc.]
0602Professionals [Fashion designers]
0603Professionals [Legal professionals]
0604Professionals [Medical professionals]
0605Professionals [Nursing Homes]
0606Professionals [Specialty hospitals]
0607Professionals [Others]
0701Service Sector [Advertisement agencies]
0702Service Sector [Beauty Parlours]
0703Service Sector [Consultancy services]
0704Service Sector [Courier Agencies]
0705Service Sector [Computer training/educational and coaching institutes]
0706Service Sector [Forex Dealers]
0707Service Sector [Hospitality services]
0708Service Sector [Hotels]
0709Service Sector [IT. enabled services, BPO service providers]
0710Service Sector [Security agencies]
0711Service Sector [Software development agencies]
0712Service Sector [Transporters]
0713Service Sector [Travel agents, tour operators]
0714Service Sector [Others]
0801Financial Service Sector [Banking Companies]
0802Financial Service Sector [Chit Funds]
0803Financial Service Sector [Financial Institutions]
0804Financial Service Sector [Financial service providers]
0805Financial Service Sector [Leasing Companies]
0806Financial Service Sector [Money Lenders]
0807Financial Service Sector [Non-Banking Financial Companies]
0808Financial Service Sector [Share Brokers, Sub-brokers, etc.]
0809Financial Service Sector [Others]
0901Entertainment Industry [Cable T.V. productions]
0902Entertainment Industry [Film distribution]
0903Entertainment Industry [Film laboratories]
0904Entertainment Industry [Motion Picture Producers]
0905Entertainment Industry [Television Channels]
0906Entertainment Industry [Others ]
1001Other Sector

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