Friday, 1 January 2016

Your Destiny Is In Your Hands

Reap what you sow. One should plan the precious time to win his future and earn enough money and wealth. A farmer tills the soil, sows seeds and does all that is required for getting a good crop. Hard work yields knowledge, experience, and happy life. Ants and bees store the food through toil and time. Lazy and wayward student loses the future. One can wait, but time doesn’t.
Youth is the right period to learn and enjoy. During the old age, money and experience are found but cannot guarantee enjoyment. People are given the freedom to enjoy their interests.Those aligning with the right directions and making the right choices stand to taste the success.
Every situation throws up winners as well as losers. However with a change in the attitude, a person can turn the failure into victory. All successful people faced failures and flops, but they persisted to become legends. Failures actually give experience and determination to reach the success.Light shines surely after a dark tunnel. There is no history of continued failures. Life becomes boring and aimless if success becomes a routine.
Some vital tricks to reach the legitimate destinies are given here.
Seize the opportunities. Money lost can be regained,but not the time and opportunities. Plan well and take actions for moving in the right direction. Too much expectation results in failure and frustration.
Specialize in what you like the most. Of course, this requires a lot of courage and conviction. With sincerity and hard work, a person can overcome any hurdles to shape his desired career.
Save to protect. Habit of thrift enables a person to save for the future and any the exigency. This method is the best option to protect one’s family. Traditionally, people keep aside a part of their earnings as reserves to meet the unforeseen expenses like doctor fees, travel, etc..
Spend to invest. ‘Expenditure as Investment’ is the modern method used for creating wealth. Spend judiciously, that too against the future earnings. You wonder, how? Use the Credit card, Overdraft, Hire-purchase, or any other source of credit for your purchases  and pay the amount later from the actual income. Naturally, the first outgo from your pay packet or business income is towards the expenditure already incurred which is  the savings made in the past. Many people have a meticulous approach through which they could create the tangible assets by taking advantage of the credit card or EMI options.In short, Eat the Cake first and Pay later policy. But don’t overstretch your purse.
Insurance helps. It is a cost, not a liability, but an investment. Many people unnecessarily bother about their past and future. Instead, they should strive to live the present which is the only thing on hand and within control.  In fact,  both the past and future are like darkness only.
Worry is the darkroom in which the negatives are developed. It is an inner feeling to be discarded forthwith to ensure success in life. Destiny is an outcome of your actions only. Stop blaming others for your mistakes.
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